Thursday, January 10, 2013

JA Green Ehime - Japanese Farmer's Market

People think of Japan as an industrialized nation and well it is. However, there are many places in Japan that are still agricultural and the Japanese love their gardens, big or small. On rural Shikoku Island, there are large tracts of land that are farmed and countless family plots that are meticulously cared for. Shikoku offers the visitor a glimpse into Japan’s past as well as a look at Japanese agriculture.

The Farmer’s Market is a collective, which means that it's a place for local farmer's to sell their goods. It offers fresh fruits, vegetables, honey, potatoes and countless other produce that is grown locally. Not only is the produce local, it's fresh and reasonably priced.

The collective is also a place to purchase plants and gardening supplies for gardens, big and small.

JA Green Ehime Website (in Japanese)

All products are from local farms and family plots.
Cooling vents
Lovely rural Shikoku